Very occasionally you have an experience that is both so overwhelmingly humbling that it takes you by surprise. I had this very experience recently at one of London's loveliest buildings, the Painted Hall in Greenwich.
Completed in 1726 after an extensive 19 year project, the hall boasts a breathtaking interior, painted by the artist James Thornhill, and shows a variety of monarchs boasting about their greatness and bloodline.
But in the summer of 2020, sandwiched between lockdowns, the Painted Hall
played host to a stunning artwork. Named Gaia, the piece by artist Luke Jerram is a representation of the earth, rotating gently, and accompanied by an atmospheric soundtrack. Visits were limited to 1 hour, which sped by in the blink of an eye, such was the mesmeric nature of the installation. As an experiment in making you realise your place in the universe, it is incredibly effective, and has a powerfully humbling effect.
The piece has since gone on a worldwide tour, as well as Luke Jerram's other piece, the moon. Keep your eyes out for it in eye catching locations around the globe.